View frequently asked questions and the answers.

At the festival

You are not allowed to bring along any of the following items:
Large bags and backpacks. Hand bags with a size of approx. A4 and 10 cm thick are allowed.
Beverages (excluding water in plastic bottles of max. 0.5l without cap), other fluids, food, drugs, soccer shirts, club related expressions, provocative or face-covering clothing, banners, carton/paper boards with writing (up to a maximum size of A4 is allowed), flags or flagpoles wider than 2cm and longer than 1.5m, umbrellas/parasols, selfie-sticks, two-way radios, professional camera, video, sound, and/or go pro equipment, and other image recorders. Unmanned aerial vehicles (such as UAV or Drones) or other flying objects. Weapons, chains or other objects that can be used as a weapon or or can disturb the peace. Glow sticks, laser-pens, and other light beams, poison, flammable or explosive materials, fireworks and flares. Animals, walking canes (except for medical walking canes), skates, bicycles, steps, skateboards, needles, soap bubbles, aerosol cans (except for deodorant and perfume), and other dangerous objects.

The following objects are only allowed in with a doctor’s certificate:
Strong medication, food and fluids that are required in connection with an allergy or illness.

Chairs or stools are not allowed because they can create an obstacle in case of evacuation. You are allowed to bring a blanket to sit on during open air concerts. In addition there will be plenty of seats available in the catering area.

In general: if you are unsure whether you are allowed to bring a certain object onto the festival site, you probably are not. Please note: objects that are not allowed in will not be safeguarded for you. You are advised not to bring any unnecessary or valuable possessions.

The festival offers a wide variety of food and beverages. The festival catering is handled by Café Restaurant Hofsteenge ( Payment is done with tokens that can be purchased with cash and PIN.

There are no lockers and no cloakroom facilities on the festival site.

There is a raised platform for visitors with a (functional) disability. An accessibility toilet is present on site as well.
The platform offers space for visitors who use a wheelchair. Besides, there are folding chairs for visitors who don’t use a wheelchair and those who accompany a visitor in a wheelchair.
Only wheelchair tickets will give access to the raised platform. The space on the platform is limited. Please only buy a wheelchair ticket if you’re not able to view the performances while standing or seated on the grand stand inside the tent. One supervisor may accompany you on the platform when there is enough space.
There is accessible parking available for visitors with an European disability parking card.

Tegenover de hoofdingang is een (onbewaakte) fietsenstalling met beperkte ruimte aanwezig. Op de speciale festivalparkeerplaats, gelegen aan de N367, is een grote (onbewaakte) fietsenstalling ingericht.

Free parking is available on the special festival parking (unguarded), located at the N376 (opposite the festival site). Please follow the instruction given by the traffic controllers.


The Holland International Blues Festival takes place on Thursday 13, Friday 14, and Saturday 15 June 2024.

The festival site is located in the heart of The Blues Village Grolloo, behind Café Restaurant Hofsteenge. The main entrance is on Hoofdstraat, Grolloo (near nr. 11).

Tickets are on sale via
Note: Beware of black market and other rogue ticket agencies! Not only will you pay too much, you may also run the risk of buying counterfeit tickets. For more information, please visit

Kaarten zijn te koop via Ticketmaster. NB: Pas op voor zwarthandel en andere malafide ticket bureaus! Je betaalt niet alleen te veel, je loopt ook het risico op valse kaarten. Kijk voor meer informatie op

Grolloo is located at the N376. You can use this route planner when traveling by car. When arriving at Grolloo and the festival site, follow the special signs and directions given by the traffic controllers. Are you traveling by public transport? Take the train to Assen and continue with bus 21 to Grolloo. Click here for current train schedules and to purchase your train e-ticket online. Click here for the bus schedule from Assen, and here for the schedule from Emmen.

The festival has a recommended age of 16 years, for children and young adults supervision is recommended under 16 years.

Grolloo itself has only a few hotels, but there are plenty of accommodations available in the region.
More information about hotels and camping-sites can be found here.

There are plenty of seating options on the festival site. Inside the tent, there is a grand stand for those who wish to sit down during the performances. It is allowed to bring a blanket to sit on. It is not allowed to bring your own chair or stool.

Grolloo is gelegen aan de N376. U kunt deze route planner gebruiken indien u per auto komt. Eenmaal in de buurt van Grolloo, als u het festivalterrein nadert, kunt u de speciale borden volgen en de aanwijzingen van de verkeersregelaars opvolgen. Maakt u gebruik van het openbaar vervoer? Neem dan de trein naar Assen en vervolgens bus 21 naar Grolloo. Ga je van/naar Assen, maak dan gebruik van de de bushalte bij de rotonde in Grolloo. Klik hier voor recente reisinformatie en het bestellen van uw e-ticket voor de trein. Het busschema kunt u hier voor de dienstregeling vanuit Assen. hier de dienstregeling vanuit Emmen.


Grolloo is gelegen aan de N376. U kunt deze route planner gebruiken indien u per auto komt. Eenmaal in de buurt van Grolloo, als u het festivalterrein nadert, kunt u de speciale borden volgen en de aanwijzingen van de verkeersregelaars opvolgen. Maakt u gebruik van het openbaar vervoer? Neem dan de trein naar Assen en vervolgens bus 21 naar Grolloo. Ga je van/naar Assen, maak dan gebruik van de de bushalte bij de rotonde in Grolloo. Klik hier voor recente reisinformatie en het bestellen van uw e-ticket voor de trein. Het busschema kunt u hier voor de dienstregeling vanuit Assen. hier de dienstregeling vanuit Emmen.